Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Ricky : I'm scared of my mum

BOXER Ricky Hatton may be a tough guy in the ring — but he is still scared of his MUM.

Despite beating some of the best boxers on the planet, ex world champ Ricky, 28, says his mother Carol is “absolutely frightening”.

And he reckons she could take him on any day — and win.

Ricky said: “Believe me, my mum could lick anyone, she could lick me.

“She’s frightening. Her Rice Krispies in the morning don’t go snap, crackle and pop they go, ‘Ssh, she’s coming’.”

Manchester boy Ricky spoke ahead of his light welterweight title fight with Jose Luis Castillo in Las Vegas on June 23.

He said: “I hope I bring that world title back. Then I still haven’t given up hope of another fight in Manchester before I pack up.”


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