Saturday, June 30, 2007

Michael red-cards club over bill

MICHAEL OWEN stormed out of a top nightclub with his brother’s stag party after a furious row over the bill.

The England striker thought London venue Paper were taking advantage of his footie riches by demanding £2,000 from his credit card before his group had enjoyed even a whiff of beer.

He had sat down at a VIP table with his mates and ordered a round of lagers and vodka Red Bulls.

But staff immediately hit him with the monster bill for the table — saying he would otherwise have to drink at the bar with other punters.

The Newcastle ace had been grumpy from kick-off after doormen refused entry to one of his party, claiming he was too drunk.

A source said: “The pal actually suffers from a spinal condition which means he has difficulty walking.

“But when he was finally let in and the guys were at a table ready to enjoy themselves staff whipped away Michael’s card and demanded £2,000.

“This was before the lads had begun even their first drinks.”

Michael decided enough was enough.

The source said: “He called the manager and said he might be a Premiership star earning millions — but was not a mug. The club refused to listen.

“So Michael looked over to his mates, said ‘Come on, lads!’ then marched them all out.”


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