Friday, March 30, 2007

Mascot is fowled by footie ace

A FOOTIE club’s duck mascot is out injured — after being “fowled” by a star player.
Preston North End’s Deepdale Duck was waddling to a fans’ forum when defender Sean St Ledger, 22, arrived in his new Land Rover.
The duck — real name Simon Nash — said: “I was outside the club in full costume, waving at him, and he drove up on the pavement and went straight over my foot.
“I don’t know how my leg didn’t snap — I had a tyre mark right up to my knee.”
Simon suffered severe bruising to his leg and a broken bone in his foot.
But he still made it to the forum with fans, and asked ace Sean, who has just passed his test: “Can you play football better than you drive?”
Simon said: “That got a laugh from everyone. Sean was really apologetic and we laughed about it later.”


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