Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I flashed at our Coleen's 21st

COLEEN McLOUGHLIN wanted her 21st party to be a sophisticated affair.

She had even prepared a booklet for guests, explaining how they should behave when in the company of celebs.

But one sorry, sozzled reveller ripped up the rule book and tore off her top, shamelessly showing snappers her boob.

Even more upsetting for upstaged WAG Coleen was that the flasher was boyfriend WAYNE ROONEY’s tastefully-tattooed, 17-year-old cousin NATALIE ROONEY.

And last night Natalie boasted: “I’ll do the Full Monty if I get an invite to their wedding next year!

“Coleen will probably be fuming about it but I don’t care — it was just a bit of a laugh.”

Naughty Nat told how she had been knocking back champagne, brandy and vodka before she decided to flash her 34C charms.

She added: “It was a boss party, I couldn’t tell you how much I had to drink.

“I’ve no idea what time I left but it was the early hours of Sunday.

“That’s when I decided to do my little party trick.

“I was absolutely s***faced so I just got my boobs out.

“I wasn’t wearing a bra — just a bit of tit tape — so they came out pretty easily. I actually got them both out at one stage.

“All my friends thought it was funny — but I haven’t heard from Wayne or Coleen since it happened.”

Natalie, whose father is Wayne’s dad’s brother, arrived at the party at Thornton Manor, Wirral, by coach.

She said: “I had a little word with Coleen then joined the main party. My mum and dad had sorted out a pressie for her.”

Natalie, a customer adviser for Scottish Power, splashed out £160 on her dress for the £500,000, circus-themed do.

She said: “I had it specially made — and it was a brilliant night. Coleen looked great and the whole place was buzzing.”

After showing off her front, Nat yesterday revealed her back turns heads too.

She is so devoted to boy band McFly she has had the band name tattooed at the base of her spine and the boys’ names across the rest of her back.

She said: “I love them. I think they’re fantastic — and I really wish that I could get them to perform at my 18th.”

“It’s in July and I’m having a party at the Broadway Club in Norris Green.

“I’m going to invite Wayne and Coleen — and she’s very welcome to do the same at my bash as I did at hers.

“We don’t see too much of Wayne and Coleen these days because they’re busy people. But we always get together at family occasions.

“We used to see a lot more of Wayne when we were growing up.”

Natalie, who lives in a small flat in Fazakerley, Liverpool, mingled with celebs including Rooney’s Manchester United team-mates and a host of WAGs.

Pictures of the party have been bought for £1.5million by Hello! magazine.

The birthday girl’s friends and relatives had no trouble getting into the party spirit with some of them even managing to upstage the big top performers with their raucous antics.

Coleen herself personified style at the shindig.

She wore an ivory and gold, Grecian-style Amanda Wakeley dress and exclusive Jacob & Co jewellery, saying: “A girl is not 21 every day so I am going to make it a day to remember.”

Wayne added: “She looks beautiful tonight and I am very proud of her.”

Pop’s SUGABABES delivered a special rendition of Happy Birthday as Coleen blew out the candles on her 5ft cake.

It was decorated with representations of her favourite things: A Chloé handbag, Christian Louboutin shoes, Chanel sunglasses, diamonds . . . and a photo of England star Wayne.

Coleen will tomorrow present the cake to the children of Liverpool’s Alder Hey Hospital.

And something tells us that on the night of Nat’s 18th, Coleen might just find she has a previous engagement . . .


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