Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Man U fans seeing red at hike

MANCHESTER United fans were fuming last night at facing a 13 per cent hike — while most other clubs froze or cut ticket prices.

Colin Hendrie, spokesman for the Independent Manchester United Supporters’ Association, said: “Football can no longer be a working class sport.

“United are pricing traditional supporters out of the game.

“The last two years have seen double-digit price rises here. Since the Glazer family took over the club, ticket prices have become 44 per cent more expensive.

“They have also now introduced a cup ticket scheme under which anyone wanting to buy a season ticket to Premiership games must also pay for potentially up to 14 cup games.

"A season ticket that cost £400 in 1995 could now be more than £1,000 in the end.

“We are very unhappy with what has happened.”

Old Trafford’s capacity will stand at 76,212 next season.

But Mark Longden, chairman of the supporters’ association, predicts the ground will regularly have empty seats.

He said: “I do not believe they will fill it with these price rises.

“There’s absolutely no justification. It flies in the face of thinking all over the country.”

Angry fans of Liverpool, Spurs and West Ham are also facing price increases.

One Liverpool supporter said: “I don’t even know if I can afford to keep going to Anfield any more.”


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