Saturday, July 07, 2007

Who are you ... Lewis Hamilton?

A DRIVER told of his shock after he was shunted on the motorway — by Formula 1 hero Lewis Hamilton.

Lewis, 22, has wowed the motor racing world with podium finishes in his first eight outings.

But the whizzkid — who leads the F1 title chase ahead of tomorrow’s British Grand Prix — lost control when he piled his Mercedes Smart Car into the back of Matt Denton’s Alfa Romeo at just 20MPH.

Lewis was saved from injury by his airbag. But he wrote off his car and badly damaged Matt’s.

Last night, as Lewis prepared for his home debut before 150,000 Silverstone fans, Matt recalled the M25 prang near Watford, Herts.

He said: “I didn’t know who Lewis was then, but his reactions seem to have improved a lot now!

“The traffic was stop-go and we’d slowed to 20mph when I was hit from behind and both cars were shunted across the road.

“I was unhurt but I was concerned about the other driver because he was shaken up.”

Marketing director Matt, 36, of Princes Risborough, Bucks, said the impact damaged the front off-side of Lewis’s car and his own near-side rear and wheel.

He said: “We got both cars on the hard shoulder and called the police. As no one was hurt they just took details. Lewis and I waited by the roadside and shared the breakdown truck.

“He said he’d just been to training. I asked what he did and he said he was a racing driver. But he was very modest about it all.

“I like motor-racing and fast bikes, so we had a long chat about it. He was really apologetic. He admitted straight away it was his fault and that he hadn’t been paying attention.”

Matt said of the shunt in March last year: “It was a privilege to be involved in an accident with him. He’s a great bloke and I hope he goes from strength to strength.”

He's magic says Ron

HARRY Potter star Rupert Grint will be among the millions cheering on Lewis Hamilton in his British Grand Prix bid tomorrow.

he 18-year-old actor, who plays boy wizard Ron Weasley in the Potter movies, is a big Formula 1 fan.

He said yesterday: “I’ve followed the sport for as long as I can remember.

My dad raced in Formula Ford.
“Lewis has blown F1 totally open. He’s fun to watch as he’s aggressive and loves to win.

“I’d usually be watching at Silverstone, but I’m in LA. But I’ll get up early to watch the race.”


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