Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Teacher forced soccer players to run naked after missing penalties

OSAKA -- A junior high school teacher in charge of its soccer club forced several players to run naked around the ground as punishment for missing penalty kicks during practice, it has been learned.

The Osaka Municipal Board of Education will question those involved and discuss whether to punish the 48-year-old teacher. The junior high school in Higashisumiyoshi-ku, Osaka, has yet to report the case to the board of education.

The teacher of the unnamed junior high school wanted his players to practice penalty kicks under pressure during a special summer practice session in 2005. He proposed that those who miss a penalty should run around the ground naked.

As a result, five or six players had to run around naked. Some students' parents lodged a protest over the incident the next day. The teacher apologized and admitted that he went too far.

He is still in charge of the soccer club. (Mainichi)


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