Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Wayne and Coleen No2

THIS pair have been dubbed the “low rent Wayne and Coleen”. And they should look familiar – he is Rooney’s brother Graham and she is Coleen’s perma-tanned cousin Carly Gardiner.

The couple, pictured at the birthday bash, have been dating for a year. Wayne acted as matchmaker for them.

But while his 17-year-old girlfriend looks a bit like his brother’s, Graham’s bank balance doesn’t.

Wayne earns £100,000-a-week from Manchester United plus £6million a year for advertising a range of products.

Graham, 19, reportedly earned £15,000 for a 30 second commercial for discount store TJ Hughes. In the ad he says: “Hello I am Graham – Wayne Rooney’s brother. I am here to tell you that TJ Hughes don’t spend lots of money on big-name celebs.”

Graham does share some family sporting talent – he’s one of Britain’s best young boxers, with an ambition to be a world champ. He used to be in Everton’s youth team,

Graham’s girlfriend wasn’t Coleen’s only female relative getting noticed at the knees-up.

The birthday girl’s mum, Colette, was swept to the party in a plush silver Audi but her auntie Shelagh Phillips – in her Sunday best – was left to board a coach from Liverpool.


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