Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Kids plan another soccer goal for children in Iraq

Soldier says soccer gifts help form bonds and built trust with Iraqis both young and old
MENDHAM – A drive to collect soccer equipment for children in Iraq scored such a success that the Hilltop School plans to do it again.
Last November, the school collected 50 boxes filled with soccer balls, cleats, jerseys and other equipment. The goods were sent to the Iraqi village of Rushi Mulla, southwest of Baghdad.

The drive was arranged after a conversation between First Lt. Jared Miranda and his mother, Paula Miranda of Chester, a third grade teacher at Hilltop School. At the time, the soldier was based in Rushi Mulla.

Mrs. Miranda said she had been asking her son what the children could do for the troops and the Iraqis.

“He said the Iraqis really liked soccer and why not send soccer balls,” Mrs. Miranda said.

The drive was coordinated by Kathy Fitzsimmons, representing the Kids Care service club of Hilltop’s Home and School Association.

Children at the Hillside School began soliciting soccer equipment including uniforms worn in local rec programs that were to be replaced anyway. Miranda said her son said the equipment was gradually distributed in Iraq and that it helped the Americans to win the trust and support of the Iraqis.

“A big part of my son’s job is to go in the community and build trust,” Mrs. Miranda said. “Slowly but surely, trust was gained and before long we were seeing pictures of soldiers kicking around soccer balls.”

Through the emerging trust, the area became safer and eventually several neighborhood schools were re-opened, Mrs. Miranda said.

Major Collection

Fitzsimmons said the first soccer equipment drive took off with hundreds of balls and other equipment collected in just three weeks. Much of the equipment was donated by children who receive new equipment through their teams with each new soccer season.

Fitzsimmons said her children, Andrew, 10, Elizabeth, 8, and Sara, 5, all play with the West Morris Soccer Club and were among those who gave equipment.

After the equipment was distributed, Lt. Miranda and another soldier filmed a video of children and soldiers play soccer. The film will be shown at the school on Monday, June 4.

The video was so inspiring, that Fitzsimmons said she is leading a second collection effort. In a letter home, Miranda also said that on one day there were an estimated 500 adults and children crowding the neighborhood, playing soccer with the donated goods.

Fitzsimmons said the children have worked on other community projects but rarely see such vivid results of their work.

In the past, the kids made and sent pies to the homeless shelter in Morristown. This year, children also collected gifts for chronically ill children at Morristown Memorial Hospital. Last year, the children and the HSA raised more than $3,000 to buy materials for a school in Louisiana devastated by Hurricane Katrina.

“It’s wonderful for the children to see where their donations went,” said Fitzsimmons who lives on Coventry Road.

Miranda’s base at Rushi Mullah has been in an area of fierce fighting with insurgents in recent weeks. It is about a mile from the area where three American soldiers were abducted earlier in the month, prompting a massive search by U.S. forces. The body of one of the abducted soldiers is believed that of a man found dead last week.

Mrs. Miranda said she spoke on the telephone with her son on Saturday, his 24th birthday. She said the weather was 115 degrees in the daytime and that soldiers are continuing the search for their missing comrades.

“He said they’re still searching,” Mrs. Miranda said. “He’s not really sure where this is going.”

Miranda is assigned as a fire support officer with the 10th Mountain Division, 431 B Company. He was supposed to return home in August but now expects he won’t leave Iraq until November.

A 2004 graduate of Duke University, Miranda is an Army Ranger and arrived in Iraq last August.

Equipment for the latest soccer drive can be dropped off in the lobby of Hilltop School from June 4 -15.


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